MidSouth IEC is not currently offiering the VDVA program. Contact us for more information 901-682-3546.
The Voice Data and Video Apprenticeship Program is maintained by MSIECEA (Mid-South Independent Electrical Contractors Educational Association) which is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. MSIECEA is in place to help individuals receive an education that leads them to have a trade that the apprentices can use for the rest of their lives. Therefore developing self-esteem and the ability to have a positive impact on themselves, their families and the community.
The IEC's Voice-Data-Video (VDV) Apprenticeship Program is based on a four semester curriculum that is typically delivered over two years. The apprenticeship program requires 2000 hours per year of on-the-job training and a minimum of 144 hours per each year in class. Apprentices must hold a high school diploma or GED and have a minimum of one year of high school algebra. Applicants must also pass a math, reading and drug test to be considered for the program.

Mid-South IEC's four year electrical apprenticeship program is recognized by the US. Department of Labor's Bureau, Office of Apprenticeship.

The Mid-South's IEC's four year electrical apprenticeship program is recognized by the Veterans Affairs so veterans can receive their VA benefits.

The Mid-South's IEC's four year electrical apprenticeship program has been approved by the Workforce Investment Network (area 13).
First Year
The first year of the VDV Apprenticeship program is focused towards two specific major topics. The first semester is strictly focused on Basic Electricity & Electronics while the second semester teaches the apprentices the specifics of the Cabling Industry. Below is a course outline for the first and second semesters (in .pdf format) that are taught in the first year of the VDV Apprenticeship Program:
Course Outline - First Year - First Semester
Course Outline - First Year - Second Semester
Second Year
The second year of the VDV Apprenticeship Program is focused towards the Systems Industry. Below is a course outline for the first and second semesters (in .pdf format) that are taught in the second year of the VDV Apprenticeship Program:
Course Outline - Second Year - First Semester
Course Outline - Second Year - Second Semester
To allow future development, the curriculum design is based on a core of knowledge and skills specialization in VDV applications, and a combination of theory, application, and on-the-job training (OJT) throughout all phases of the program. This curriculum trains individuals in knowledge and skills that span both low and high voltage work. The VDV Committee felt that workers who have knowledge in both high and low voltage areas get the most variety in their jobs and are most likely to stay gainfully employed.